If you or your child is sick and you’d like help treating the illness, the best way to receive care is to come to the clinic for an appointment. You can schedule a visit from the homepage on your patient portal, or call the clinic for an appointment. Please schedule early in the day to reserve one of our “same-day acute” appointments, which are saved for just such a need. Whenever possible, we will schedule you with your primary care physician. If that is not possible, we will try to arrange an appointment for you with another of the One Sky Family Medicine physicians. We save some same day appointments that are not viewable on the portal, so make sure to call if you don't see anything available there.

If you are not sure whether you or your child needs to be seen today, there are some great resources for helping you decide.
If you would like a priority call-back first thing once the clinic opens, you can leave us a message in our high priority voicemail box. You'll find it on the after hours voice mail box when you press the option for urgent after hours care
Most patients and parents find it reassuring that our practice is covered 24 hours a day by one of our physicians. It is our intention that you feel well supported in your health as well as your parenting journey. Please remember, if you are experiencing a medical emergency CALL 911.
If your concern is urgent enough that you need to reach the doctor right away, you can select that option and page the doctor. You'll leave a message and someone should get back to you within 20 minutes. If you don't hear back from someone within that time, please try again, call another triage service (see below) or go to urgent care or the emergency room.
Please note there is a fee for contacting the physician on call after-hours, unless you are calling about a baby who is less than 8 weeks old. This fee is $45, and is not covered by insurance.
Please note we do not accept after-hours pages for prescription refills or to discuss scheduling an appointment, though you can request both online via the patient portal.
One Sky Family Medicine
6327 22nd AVE NE, Seattle WA 98115
phone 206-363-5555 fax 206-363-5533
Copyright © All Rights Reserved.