Alexandra Owen, ND

Naturopathic Physician, (she/her)

Naturopathic primary care for the whole family


Dr. Owen has a passion for naturopathic primary care and working with the whole family to optimize health. She believes the best health care happens when all forms of medicine are integrated using a holistic approach for each individual patient 

Education and Training

2023 OSFM 2 Year Residency 

2021 Bastyr University Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine

Bachelors of Science from Linfield University 

Trained Birth Doula


Clinical Passions

Preventative care


Reproductive health 

Fertility and preconception care 

Women's health

Men's health 


Health at Every Size


Outside the Clinic

Dr. Owen hikes the Pacific Northwest in her time off from clinic, or can be found reading a good book.  

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