Tracy McDaniel, ND

Naturopathic Physician, (she/her)

Residency Program Director

Practice Owner

Naturopathic primary care for babies, children, women and people who identify as LGBTQIA+ 


Dr. McDaniel's passion is providing naturopathic primary care for women and children. She's passionate about preventive care and believes that not only is prevention important, but that it can also be fun! Naturopathic diet and lifestyle recommendations weave their way into almost every visit, and medications and procedures are used when they are the most appropriate option.

Having practiced midwifery for over 10 years, she has a special love of caring for newborns and their parents, especially during those first vital years of life when babies and young children are laying down pathways in their nervous system around attachment, bonding and security.  To that end, she offers comprehensive naturopathic support during preconception, pregnancy and the postpartum period.  She is sex positive, body positive and welcomes single parents, families of all configurations and people who identify as LGBTQIA+ in their journey to parenthood, as well as for general naturopathic primary care.  

Visits for newborns and babies are geared toward monitoring and celebrating growth and development and providing feeding support. Helping parents learn to be confident caregivers for their kids at home when they are sick is one of her joys. and she offers same day appointments for kids when they need office care. Dr. McDaniel offers an individualized approach to planning and administering vaccinations, and is happy to work with families who chose not to vaccinate according to the routine schedule.

Dr. McDaniel founded Seattle Natural Family Medicine in 2002 and practiced there until she joined the One Sky family in 2008. She now owns and runs the practice with her business partner Molly Gray, ND.  She practiced midwifery, attending families birthing at home and in free-standing birth centers, until 2014, and taught at both Bastyr University and the former Seattle Midwifery School.  As One Sky Family Medicine's Residency Program Director she teaches Resident Naturopathic Physicians, who participate in most visits with Dr. McDaniel.

She has served on the Boards of Directors for both the Midwives Association of Washington State and the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians, as well as Sacred Earth Foundation, which encompases both the Ekone community and summer camp for kids, as well as the White Eagle Memorial Preserve in Goldendale, WA


Education and Training

2003 Bastyr University Certificate of Naturopathic Midwifery

2002 Bastyr University Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

2002 Lactation Educator through Evergreen Hospital’s Lactation program

1994 The Evergreen State College


Clinical Passions

Primary care and preventive medicine

Pediatrics and newborn care

Postpartum support, lactation

Fertility, preconception care

Intrauterine insemination

Adolescent medicine

Mental health 

Menstrual issues


Minor surgery

Women's Health


Outside the Clinic

Dr. McDaniel lives in the neighborhood with her family.  When not at the clinic, Dr. McDaniel is often found horseback riding, gardening, reading or wandering in the Ravine

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